Account |
Eagle EZ BusinessDesigned for the customer with lower transactional volume. |
Eagle Business InterestPerfect for businesses who keep higher balances. Account is a tiered-rate structure. The higher your balance, the higher the rate. |
Eagle CommercialSuitable for the customers who have larger volume of transactional activity and may utilize cash management services. |
Eagle Non-ProfitSpecial banking package that earns interest on all balances at a higher rate, comes loaded with complimentary cash management services. |
Eagle IOLTASpecial account for lawyers and law firms managing general (multi-client) trust funds |
Minimum To Open |
Eagle EZ Business$100.00 |
Eagle Business Interest$100 |
Eagle Commercial$100 |
Eagle Non-Profit$100 |
Eagle IOLTA$100.00 |
Balance Requirement to Avoid Service Charge |
Eagle EZ Business$0.00 |
Eagle Business Interest$25,000 |
Eagle Commercial$15,000 |
Eagle Non-Profit$0.00 |
Eagle IOLTA$0.00 |
Monthly Service Charge |
Eagle EZ Business$0.00 |
Eagle Business Interest$25.00 if falls below minimum balance |
Eagle Commercial$15.00 if falls below minimum balance |
Eagle Non-Profit$0.00 |
Eagle IOLTA$0.00 |
Per Item Charges |
Eagle EZ Business$.40 per item over 200 transactions |
Eagle Business Interest$.40 per item over 200 transactions |
Eagle Commercial$.20 per item fee |
Eagle Non-ProfitUnlimited |
Eagle IOLTAUnlimited |
Interest-Bearing |
Eagle EZ BusinessNo |
Eagle Business Interest
Yes, Tiered rate |
Eagle CommercialNo |
Eagle Non-ProfitYes, with predetermined introductory offer for the first 6 months @ 1.00% |
Earnings Credit |
Eagle EZ BusinessNo |
Eagle Business InterestNo |
Eagle Commercial
Yes |
Eagle Non-ProfitNo |
Eagle IOLTANo |
Bill Pay |
Eagle EZ BusinessFree |
Eagle Business Interest
Eagle Commercial
Eagle Non-Profit
Eagle IOLTAN/A |
Mailed Statements (per account) |
Eagle EZ Business$2.00 |
Eagle Business Interest$2.00 |
Eagle Commercial$2.00 |
Eagle Non-Profit$2.00 |
Eagle IOLTA$2.00 |
Visa® Credit Card |
Eagle EZ Business
Eagle Business Interest
Eagle Commercial
Eagle Non-Profit
Eagle IOLTAN/A |
Direct Connect (Future) |
Eagle EZ Business
Eagle Business Interest
Eagle Commercial
Eagle Non-Profit
Treasury Management Services |
Eagle EZ BusinessAvailable; fee hard-charged to primary operating account |
Eagle Business InterestAvailable; fee hard-charged to primary operating account |
Eagle CommercialServices charged through account analysis |
Eagle Non-ProfitChoose any service at no charge - (RDC, ACH or Positive Pay - future ACH Positive Pay/Debit Blocker) |
Eagle IOLTAN/A |
24/7 Telephone Banking
Mobile Banking w/Mobile Deposit
Online Banking